Today Hair Transplant In Pakistan

As a result such artificial hair organism considers as an alien element and rejects them. It is for this reason that we are not engaged in the transplantation of artificial hair. We use only modern methods with the use of micro grafts which contain from 1 to 3 natural hair follicles. Thanks to modern equipment, our specialists can transplant up to 5,000 grafts in one session.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Therefore, the patient is not disturbed by pain or any other discomfort. On average, this manipulation lasts from 2 to 5 hours, depending on the volume. During the operation, the patient is conveniently located in the armchair, watching tv or listening to music. 

From time to time the patient is given a rest. Such manipulation is carried out with maximum comfort for the patient. Moreover, literally a day after the transplantation, a patient can start working. Edema and pain are absent. Best Fue Cost In Pakistan growth from transplanted bulbs begins two months later and lasts throughout life.

In What Cases Is The Procedure Performed?
Today hair transplant in Pakistan is available to almost everyone, just visit the clinic "hair skill". Hair transplantation is carried out:

In and Genetic alopecia, both in men and in women;

In cicatricle alopecia, resulting from injuries, burns or after surgical interventions;

In traction alopecia, formed after a long wearing of a hairstyle a bundle, etc .;

With hereditary defects, a high position of the front line of hair growth;

To correct the shape of the growth of the beard, mustache and eyebrows;

It should be noted that this method also has contraindications. So, it is not recommended to perform this manipulation in the following cases:

With individual intolerance to anesthetic drugs;

If the patient suffers from a clotting disorder;

With hereditary diabetes, in the case when there is a dependence on insulin;

In the presence of chronic skin disease in the acute stage;

The modern world dictates certain rules to mankind and one of such is a well groomed appearance. Therefore, if you have a problem such as baldness, we will always be happy to help you. Our team of professionals will perform a hair transplant in a quality and safe manner.

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